Noel Coward

Noel Coward
Noël Coward was a renowned British playwright, composer, and actor, celebrated for his wit, flamboyant style, and sharp dialogue. His works, including plays like "Blithe Spirit," "Private Lives," and "Hay Fever," have become classics of English theatre. Coward's writing often explored themes of love, relationships, and the upper-class lifestyle, infused with humor and satire. Beyond writing, he was also a skilled performer and was knighted in 1970 for his contributions to British culture.

Author's Books:

"I'LL LEAVE IT TO YOU" A plan of the stage of the New Theatre, London, set for the play is given at the end of the book.{} Scene.—The Hall of Mulberry Manor. All the furniture looks very comfortable. Through the window can be seen a glimpse of a snowy garden; there it a log fire. The light is a little dim, being late afternoon. Seated on the table swinging her legs is Joyce, she is... more...

SATURDAY I felt that some sort of scene was necessary in order to celebrate my first entrance into America, so I said "Little lamb, who made thee?" to a customs official. A fracas ensued far exceeding my wildest dreams, during which he delved down—with malice aforethought—to the bottom of my trunk and discovered the oddest things in my sponge bag. I think I'm going to like America. I... more...