Nettie Maria Stevens

Nettie Maria Stevens
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Author's Books:

RESULTS OF INVESTIGATIONS. Termopsis angusticollis. In the termite it was not found to be practicable to dissect out the testes. The tip of the abdomen was therefore fixed and sectioned, young males whose wings were just apparent being used. The cells are all small, and could not be studied to advantage with less than 1500 magnification (Zeiss oil immersion 2 mm., oc. 12). In the spermatogonium there... more...

COLEOPTERA. Trirhabda virgata (Family Chrysomelidæ). Two species of Trirhabda were found in larval, pupal, and adult stage on Solidago sempervirens, one at Harpswell, Maine, the other at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The adult insects of the two species differ slightly in size and color, the germ cells mainly in the number of chromosomes, Trirhabda virgata having 28 and Trirhabda canadense 30 in... more...