Neil Munro

Neil Munro
Neil Munro (1863–1930) was a Scottish journalist, author, and humorist best known for his creation of the comic character "Para Handy", a wily and humorous skipper of the "Vital Spark" puffer boat. Munro wrote many tales about life on the Scottish west coast, blending humor and social observation. His works include the short story collections "The Vital Spark" and "The Clyde Ferryman," which showcase his rich portrayal of working-class characters. Besides humorous works, Munro also wrote historical novels such as "John Splendid" and "The New Road," focusing on Scottish history and culture.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I.—FROM THE FOREIGN FIELD. Many a time, in college or in camp, I had planned the style of my home-coming. Master Webster, in the Humanities, droning away like a Boreraig bagpipe, would be sending my mind back to Shira Glen, its braes and corries and singing waters, and Ben Bhuidhe over all, and with my chin on a hand I would ponder on how I should go home again when this weary scholarship was... more...

CHAPTER I—WHEN THE GEAN-TREE BLOSSOMED Rain was beating on the open leaf of plane and beech, and rapping at the black doors of the ash-bud, and the scent of the gean-tree flourish hung round the road by the river, vague, sweet, haunting, like a recollection of the magic and forgotten gardens of youth. Over the high and numerous hills, mountains of deer and antique forest, went the mist, a slattern,... more...

CHAPTER I — COUNT VICTOR COMES TO A STRANGE COUNTRY It was an afternoon in autumn, with a sound of wintry breakers on the shore, the tall woods copper-colour, the thickets dishevelled, and the nuts, in the corries of Ardkinglas, the braes of Ardno, dropping upon bracken burned to gold. Until he was out of the glen and into the open land, the traveller could scarcely conceive that what by his chart... more...