Matilda Betham-Edwards

Matilda Betham-Edwards
Matilda Betham-Edwards (1836–1919) was an English novelist, travel writer, and poet, notable for her works promoting understanding between England and France. She wrote numerous novels, including "Kitty" and "The White House by the Sea," and also published travel books detailing her experiences across Europe. Betham-Edwards was an advocate for social reform, especially in areas like education and women's rights. Additionally, she served as editor of the letters of French author Marie Bashkirtseff and was recognized by the French government for her contributions to literature.

Author's Books:

INTRODUCTORY. It is upon this occasion my rare and happy privilege to introduce the reader to something absolutely new. How many English-speaking tourists have found their way to the Roof of France—in other words, the ancient Gévaudan, the romantic department of the Lozère? How many English—or for the matter of that French travellers either—have so much as heard of the Causses, [Footnote: From... more...

CHAPTER I. THE VALLEY OF THE MARNE. How delicious to escape from the fever heat and turmoil of Paris during the Exhibition to the green banks and sheltered ways of the gently undulating Marne! With what delight we wake up in the morning to the noise, if noise it can be called, of the mower's scythe, the rustle of acacia leaves, and the notes of the stock-dove, looking back as upon a nightmare to... more...

CHAPTER I MELUN Scores upon scores of times had I steamed past Melun in the Dijon express, ever eyeing the place wistfully, ever too hurried, perhaps too lazy, to make a halt. Not until September last did I carry out a long cherished intention. It is unpardonable to pass and re-pass any French town without alighting for at least an hour's stroll! Melun, capital of the ancient Gatinais, now... more...