Margaret West Kinney

Margaret West Kinney
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Author's Books:

AT THE HOME OF HUGO CHEVET It was early autumn, for the clusters of grapes above me were already purple, and the forest leaves were tinged with red. And yet the air was soft, and the golden bars of sun flickered down on the work in my lap through the laced branches of the trellis. The work was but a pretense, for I had fled the house to escape the voice of Monsieur Cassion who was still urging my uncle... more...

CHARACTERS EUDEMIUS, a Roman lord living in BritainVARIA, his daughterLIVINIUS, a Roman citizen, a boyhood friend of EudemiusMARIUS, his son, of the Roman legions in Gaul [Guests of Eudemius]MARCUS SILENUS POMPONIUS, Count of the Saxon ShoreAURELIUS MENOTUS, duumvir of AnderidaFELIX, his sonCAIUS JULIUS VALENS, a Roman citizen [Roman girls, daughters of the guests of Eudemius]JULIANIGIDIAPAULAGRATIA... more...