Lilian Whiting

Lilian Whiting
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THE PERIOD OF MODERN ART IN ROMEBut ah, that spring should vanish with the Rose!That youth’s sweet-scented manuscript should close?The nightingale that in the branches sang,Oh, where and whither flown again,—who knows? Omar Khayyam. Rome, as the picturesque city of the Popes in the middle years of the nineteenth century, was resplendent in local color. It was the Rome of sunny winters; the Rome of... more...

THE GOLDEN AGE LIES ONWARD. "The Golden Age lies onward, not behind.The pathway through the past has led us up:The pathway through the future will lead on,And higher." The Life Radiant is that transfiguration of the ordinary daily events and circumstances which lifts them to the spiritual plane and sees them as the signs and the indications of the divine leading. Every circumstance thus becomes... more...

CHAPTER I 1812-1833“Allons! after the Great Companions! and to belong to them!” “To know the universe itself as a road—as many roads—asroads for travelling souls.”  The Most Exquisite Romance of Modern Life—Ancestry and Youth of Robert Browning—Love of Music—Formative Influences—The Fascination of Byron—A Home “Crammed with Books”—The Spell of... more...