L. J. (Lewis Jesse) Bridgman

L. J. (Lewis Jesse) Bridgman
Lewis Jesse Bridgman (1857–1931) was an American illustrator and writer known for his work in children's literature and humorous illustrations. He contributed to several magazines and newspapers, including "The Youth's Companion" and "The Boston Globe". Bridgman authored and illustrated books like "The Queen's Messenger" and "Mother Goose's Menagerie." His artistic style often featured playful, whimsical characters that delighted young audiences during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Author's Books:

PREFACE. “What the child imitates,” says Froebel, “he begins to understand. Let him represent the flying of birds and he enters partially into the life of birds. Let him imitate the rapid motion of fishes in the water and his sympathy with fishes is quickened. Let him reproduce the activities of farmer, miller and baker, and his eyes open to the meaning of their work. In one word let him reflect... more...

CHAPTER I A MYSTERIOUS VISITATION "Who's there?" demanded Christy Passford, sitting up in his bed, in the middle of the night, in his room on the second floor of his father's palatial mansion on the Hudson, where the young lieutenant was waiting for a passage to the Gulf. There was no answer to his inquiry. "Who's there?" he repeated in a louder tone. All was as still as... more...

CHAPTER I. YULE-TIDE OF THE ANCIENTS"There in the Temple, carved in wood,The image of great Odin stood,And other gods, with Thor supreme among them." As early as two thousand years before Christ Yule-tide was celebrated by the Aryans. They were sun-worshipers and believed the sun was born each morning, rode across the upper world, and sank into his grave at night. Day after day, as the... more...