Julie Mathilde Lippmann

Julie Mathilde Lippmann
Julie Mathilde Lippmann (1864–1952) was an American writer, poet, and playwright known for her children's books and novels. She authored several popular works, including "Miss Wildfire" and "Martha By-the-Day," the latter of which was widely praised for its charming portrayal of a hardworking New York woman. In addition to her literary work, Lippmann was actively involved in social causes, particularly women's suffrage and other progressive movements of the early 20th century. She was also a friend and contemporary of well-known figures like Mark Twain and supported the cultural and intellectual community of her time.

Author's Books:

DREAMLAND. THE WAKING SOUL Larry lay under the trees upon the soft, green grass, with his hat tilted far forward over his eyes and his grimy hands clasped together beneath his head, wishing with all his might first one thing and then another, but always that it was not so warm. When the children had gone to school in the morning, they had seen Larry's figure, as they passed along the street,... more...

CHAPTER I If you are one of the favored few, privileged to ride in chaises, you may find the combination of Broadway during the evening rush-hour, in a late November storm, stimulating—you may, that is, provided you have a reliable driver. If, contrariwise, you happen to be of the class whose fate it is to travel in public conveyances (and lucky if you have the price!) and the car, say, won't... more...