Jules Lermina

Jules Lermina
Jules Lermina (1839–1915) was a French writer known for his adventure and science fiction novels, as well as his contributions to detective literature. He authored books such as "Les Mystères de New-York" and "La Tour des Mondes," blending elements of fantasy with early science fiction. Lermina was also politically active and worked as a journalist, which often influenced his writings. His work, though not as widely recognized as his contemporaries, contributed to the early development of speculative fiction in France.

Author's Books:

FANFARO'S ADVENTURES Spero, the son of Monte-Cristo, was peacefully sleeping in another room, while, gathered around the table in the dining-room of Fanfaro's house, were Monte-Cristo, Miss Clary, Madame Caraman, Coucou, and Albert de Morcerf, ready to listen to the story of Fanfaro's adventures, which, as narrated at the close of the preceding volume, he was about to begin. The... more...

ESPERANCE, THE SON OF MONTE-CRISTO. Esperance, the son of Monte-Cristo, lay sleeping in the comfortable bed provided for him in the house of Fanfar, the French colonist, as related at the close of the preceding volume, "The Wife of Monte-Cristo." The prostration and exhaustion brought on by the excitement and fatigue of his terrible adventure with the remorseless Khouans rendered his sleep as... more...