John Trevena

John Trevena
John Trevena was the pen name of British author Ernest George Henham, who gained recognition for his vivid portrayals of rural life in southwestern England. He wrote in the early 20th century, with a focus on the rugged landscapes and people of Dartmoor. Trevena's notable works include "Heather" (1908), "Furze the Cruel" (1906), and "Sleeping Waters" (1907). His writing often delved into themes of nature, isolation, and human suffering, blending realism with a sense of mysticism.

Author's Books:

INTRODUCTION For eight years or more, since I first became acquainted with the novels and tales of John Trevena it has been my firm conviction that only Thomas Hardy and George Moore among contemporary novelists rival his art at its best. Like Meredith, he has written for twenty years in obscurity, and like Meredith also he has been content with a small discriminating audience. I suppose that in 1950... more...

ABOUT RAINDROPS The river of Tavy is a great mountain-carver. From its mud-holes of Cranmere to the walls of Tavistock it is a hewer of rocks. Thenceforth it becomes a gardener, raising flowers and herbs; it becomes idyllic. It goes into Arcadia. And at last it floats ships of war. There is a story in Hebrew literature of a king called Solomon, a man reputed wise, although a fool with women, who... more...