John R. (John Roy) Musick

John R. (John Roy) Musick
The author has not yet completed their profile.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER IX. THE MOVING WORLD.      If we could look down the long vista of ages,       And witness the changes of time,     Or draw from Isaiah's mysterious pages       A key to this vision sublime;     We'd gaze on the picture with pride and delight,       And all its magnificence trace,     Give honor to man for his genius and might,       And... more...

CHAPTER I. THE YOUNG EMIGRANT. [Illustration] The first recollections of Fernando Stevens, the hero of this romance, were of "moving." He was sitting on his mother's knee. How long he had been sitting there he did not know, nor did he know how he came there; but he knew that it was his mother and that they were in a great covered wagon, and that he had a sister and brother, older than... more...