John Nicholas Lenker

John Nicholas Lenker
John Nicholas Lenker (1858-1929) was an American Lutheran pastor, author, and translator known for his work on Martin Luther's writings. He translated and edited the multi-volume "Luther's Works" in English, helping to make Luther's theological contributions more accessible to a wider audience. Lenker also authored books such as "Lutherans in All Lands," documenting the global spread of Lutheranism. His dedication to promoting Lutheran theology played a significant role in shaping American Lutheran identity during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Author's Books:

FOREWORD. The first volumes of the "American Luther" we selected for publication were his best commentaries, then eight volumes of his Gospel and Epistle sermons and one volume of his best catechetical writings. These rich evangelical works introduced us to the real Luther, not the polemical, but the Gospel Luther. They contain the leaven of the faith, life and spirit of Protestantism. We now... more...

Foreword Here comes the English Luther in his twelfth visit to your home. In peasant boots, decorated by no star of worldliness nor even by the cross of churchliness, but by the Book from heaven pressed to his heart in a firm attitude of earnest prayer, he comes as the man of prayer and of the one Book, a familiar friend, to help you to live the simple Christian life. This volume of twenty-four... more...

Foreword The Evangelization of the World is being accomplished more rapidly than we think. Three mighty movements are constantly at work—Reformation, Heathen Missions and Emigration or Colonization. By the Reformation Europe was evangelized; by Heathen Missions Asia and Africa are being evangelized and by Emigration or Colonization North and South America and Australia have been to a large extent... more...