John Locke

John Locke
John Locke (1632–1704) was an English philosopher and writer known as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers. His most famous works, "Two Treatises of Government" and "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding," laid the foundation for modern political theory and empiricism. Locke argued for the natural rights of life, liberty, and property, and his ideas deeply influenced the development of liberal democracy and the U.S. Constitution. Additionally, he advocated for religious tolerance and the separation of church and state in "A Letter Concerning Toleration."

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I. OF WORDS OR LANGUAGE IN GENERAL. 1. Man fitted to form articulated Sounds. God, having designed man for a sociable creature, made him not only with an inclination, and under a necessity to have fellowship with those of his own kind, but furnished him also with language, which was to be the great instrument and common tie of society. Man, therefore, had by nature his organs so fashioned, as... more...

PREFACE Reader, thou hast here the beginning and end of a discourse concerning government; what fate has otherwise disposed of the papers that should have filled up the middle, and were more than all the rest, it is not worth while to tell thee. These, which remain, I hope are sufficient to establish the throne of our great restorer, our present King William; to make good his title, in the consent of... more...