John Churton Collins

John Churton Collins
John Churton Collins (1848–1908) was a British literary critic and scholar known for his work on English literature. He wrote extensively on literary history and criticism, contributing essays and reviews to various publications. Collins authored books such as "Bolingbroke: A Historical Study" and "Illustrations of Tennyson," where he explored political history and literary analysis. His reputation was marked by both his erudition and his sometimes controversial critiques of contemporary scholarship.

Author's Books:

PREFACE It is time for some one to speak out. When we compare the condition and prospects of Science in all its branches, its organization, its standards, its aims, its representatives with those of Literature, how deplorable and how humiliating is the contrast! In the one we see an ordered realm, in the other mere chaos. The one, serious, strenuous, progressive, is displaying an energy as wonderful in... more...

INTRODUCTION I The development of Tennyson's genius, methods, aims and capacity of achievement in poetry can be studied with singular precision and fulness in the history of the poems included in the present volume. In 1842 he published the two volumes which gave him, by almost general consent, the first place among the poets of his time, for, though Wordsworth was alive, Wordsworth's best... more...