John Ames Mitchell

John Ames Mitchell
John Ames Mitchell was an American illustrator, architect, and author, best known for founding the satirical magazine "Life" in 1883. He was also a novelist, writing books such as "The Last American" (1889), a dystopian story about the downfall of the United States. Mitchell's works often contained satirical and social commentary, reflecting his keen observations on society. His legacy is primarily tied to "Life" magazine, which became highly influential in American culture during his time.

Author's Books:

Curator of the Imperial Museum at Shiraz.Author of "The Celestial Conquest of Kaly-phorn-ya,"and of "Northern Mehrika under the Hy-Bernyan Rulers" he astounding discoveries of Khan-li of Dimph-yoo-chur have thrown floods of light upon the domestic life of the Mehrikan people. He little realized when he landed upon that sleeping continent what a service he was about to render history, or... more...

A RELIC FROM AFRICA The Maid of the North was ready for sea. Only the touch of the engineer was wanting to send her, once again, on a homeward voyage to the St. Lawrence. Meanwhile, in solemn undertones, she was breathing forth her superabundant steam. Behind the wharf lay the city of Boston. A score of passengers, together with friends who had come aboard to see them off, were scattered about the... more...

ABOARD THE ZLOTUHB IN THE YEAR 2951 10th May There is land ahead! Grip-til-lah was first to see it, and when he shouted the tidings my heart beat fast with joy. The famished crew have forgotten their disconsolate stomachs and are dancing about the deck. 'Tis not I, forsooth, who shall restrain them! A month of emptiness upon a heavy sea is preparation for any folly. Nofuhl alone is without... more...