Joan Clark

Joan Clark
Joan Clark is a Canadian novelist and short story writer known for her vivid portrayals of life in Newfoundland. Born in 1934, she has received wide recognition for her works, including the novels "An Audience of Chairs" and "The Victory of Geraldine Gull." Clark often explores themes of family, isolation, and the impact of the natural world on human lives. Her writing has earned several literary awards and nominations, cementing her as a significant voice in Canadian literature.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I Penny Nichols flung open the office door of the Nichols Detective Agency, descending upon a dignified, gray-haired man who was busy at his desk. "Dad," she announced, "I've come to report a mysterious disappearance!" Christopher Nichols dropped the correspondence upon which he was working and regarded his daughter for a moment, his gray eyes flashing an indulgent welcome.... more...

CHAPTER IA Valuable Letter “Hurry, Susan! We have only ten minutes before the store closes!” Penelope Nichols, the slender girl in blue, urged her companion into the revolving doors at the entrance of the Bresham Department Store. A vigorous push sent the barriers spinning at such a rate that other shoppers turned to stare at the two girls. “You nearly took off my heels that time, Penny,” Susan... more...

CHAPTER I Penny Nichols, hair flying in the wind, came running up the steps of the Altman porch. She did not need to ring the bell, for just at that moment Susan, her dark-haired chum, appeared in the open doorway. "Why, hello, Penny," greeted the Altman girl. "You're all out of breath." "I ran most of the way from home," replied Penny. "I was hoping you'd drop in... more...

CHAPTER I A slightly decrepit roadster lurched to an abrupt halt in front of the Altman residence, and the blond, blue-eyed driver hailed a plump, dark-haired girl who stood on the front porch. "Hello, Susan. Been waiting long?" "Only about ten minutes, Penny." "I'm terribly sorry to be late, but I think we can still make it on time if we hurry." Before replying, Susan... more...