Jeanie Lang

Jeanie Lang
Jeanie Lang was a writer known for her contributions to children's literature and educational stories. She adapted classic works for younger audiences, including her popular retelling of "The Story of Joan of Arc" and "The Story of Robert Bruce." Her adaptations simplified complex historical narratives, making them accessible to children while maintaining the essence of the original tales. Lang's works were part of a broader effort during the early 20th century to introduce young readers to important figures and events from history.

Author's Books:

PREFACE Just as a little child holds out its hands to catch the sunbeams, to feel and to grasp what, so its eyes tell it, is actually there, so, down through the ages, men have stretched out their hands in eager endeavour to know their God. And because only through the human was the divine knowable, the old peoples of the earth made gods of their heroes and not unfrequently endowed these gods with as... more...

STORIES OF THE BORDER MARCHES THE WHITE LADY OF BLENKINSOPP Among the old castles and peel towers of the Border, there are few to which some tale or other of the supernatural does not attach itself. It may be a legend of buried treasure, watched over by a weeping figure, that wrings its hands; folk may tell of the apparition of an ancient dame, whose corpse-like features yet show traces of passions... more...

CHAPTER I Sixty years ago, at Woolwich, the town on the Thames where the gunners of our army are trained, there lived a mischievous, curly-haired, blue-eyed boy, whose name was Charlie Gordon. The Gordons were a Scotch family, and Charlie came of a race of soldiers. His great-grandfather had fought for King George, and was taken prisoner at the battle of Prestonpans, when many other Gordons were... more...