Jay Hambidge

Jay Hambidge
Jay Hambidge (1867–1924) was a Canadian-American artist and writer known for his work on "dynamic symmetry," a mathematical theory applied to art and design. He explored this concept in his book "The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry" (1920), which aimed to apply geometric principles to create aesthetically pleasing compositions. Hambidge's theories drew from ancient Greek art and architecture, emphasizing proportion and balance. His work influenced both the art world and design fields, leaving a lasting legacy in the study of composition and form.

Author's Books:

IN WHICH WE MAKE THE ACQUAINTANCE OF "STEEPLE BOB"DURING the summer months of 1900—what blazing hot months, to be sure!—people on lower Broadway were constantly coming upon other people with chins in the air, staring up and exclaiming: "Dear me, isn't it wonderful!" or "There's that fellow again; I'm sure he'll break his neck!" Then they would pass on and... more...

I. A MASTER OF MEN Engine Number 206, narrow gauge, was pushing, or rather failing to push, the old-fashioned box-plow through the crusted drifts on the uptilted shoulder of Plug Mountain, at altitude ten thousand feet, with the mercury at twelve below zero. There was a wind—the winter day above timber-line without its wind is as rare as a thawing Christmas—and it cut like knives through any... more...

SHOCKLEY "He's rather a bad lot, I guess," wrote Bucks to Callahan, "but I am satisfied of one thing—you can't run that yard with a Sunday-school superintendent. He won't make you any trouble unless he gets to drinking. If that happens, don't have any words with him." Bucks underscored three times. "Simply crawl into a cyclone cellar and wire me. Sending you... more...