J. W. (John William) Mackail

J. W. (John William) Mackail
John William Mackail (1859-1945) was a Scottish scholar, translator, and literary historian, known for his works on classical literature and the arts. He is particularly noted for his translation of Virgil's "Georgics" and his biography of the artist and poet William Morris, titled "Life of William Morris." Mackail was a professor of poetry at Oxford and also a leading figure in the promotion of literature and the arts in Britain. His works contributed significantly to the study of classical texts and the preservation of British cultural heritage.

Author's Books:

BIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION By J. W. Mackail William Morris, one of the most eminent imaginative writers of the Victorian age, differs from most other poets and men of letters in two ways—first, he did great work in many other things as well as in literature; secondly, he had beliefs of his own about the meaning and conduct of life, about all that men think and do and make, very different from those of... more...

ORIGINS OF LATIN LITERATURE: EARLY EPIC AND TRAGEDY. To the Romans themselves, as they looked back two hundred years later, the beginnings of a real literature seemed definitely fixed in the generation which passed between the first and second Punic Wars. The peace of B.C. 241 closed an epoch throughout which the Roman Republic had been fighting for an assured place in the group of powers which... more...

BOOK FIRST THE COMING OF AENEAS TO CARTHAGE I sing of arms and the man who of old from the coasts of Troy came, an exile of fate, to Italy and the shore of Lavinium; hard driven on land and on the deep by the violence of heaven, for cruel Juno's unforgetful anger, and hard bestead in war also, ere he might found a city and carry his gods into Latium; from whom is the Latin race, the lords of Alba,... more...