Hobart M. Smith

Hobart M. Smith
Hobart M. Smith (1912–2013) was a prominent American herpetologist and author known for his extensive work on reptiles and amphibians. Over his prolific career, he authored more than 1,600 publications, including influential books like "Handbook of Lizards" and "Amphibians of North America." Smith made significant contributions to taxonomy, describing hundreds of new species and dedicating much of his research to the herpetofauna of Mexico and the southwestern United States. His meticulous fieldwork and dedication to the study of biodiversity cemented his legacy as one of the most important figures in American herpetology.

Author's Books:

Kyphotic (hump-backed) soft-shelled turtles have been known for many years in Asia and America. Gressitt (Peking Natural History Bulletin, 2 (pt. 4): 413-415, figs. 1-5, 1937) has reviewed accounts of such turtles, and recorded the anomaly in Amyda sinensis (Wiegmann) and A. steindachneri (Siebenrock) of Asia and in unidentified species in the United States. Records of kyphosis in American species... more...

The tadpoles of this species have been described by Bragg (Copeia, 1936: 14-20, figs. 1-13; Amer. Midl. Nat., 18:273-284, figs. 1-5, 1937). The drawings and descriptions of the mouthparts, however, appear to have been taken from dried, or immature, or transforming individuals, for they do not agree among themselves nor do they agree with larvae obtained in the field and now in the Museum of Natural... more...