Henry M. (Henry Morton) Stanley

Henry M. (Henry Morton) Stanley
Henry Morton Stanley was a Welsh-American journalist and explorer, best known for his exploration of central Africa. He gained fame for finding the missing Scottish missionary David Livingstone in 1871, greeting him with the famous phrase, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?" Stanley later undertook several expeditions in Africa, contributing to European knowledge of the Congo region and playing a key role in its colonization. His most notable works include "How I Found Livingstone" and "Through the Dark Continent," which detailed his adventures and discoveries.

Author's Books:

Preface. This little volume consists of the letters I wrote from Bulawayo, Johannesburg and Pretoria for the journal South Africa, which is exclusively devoted to matters relating to the region whence it derives its title. Each letter contains the researches of a week. As the public had already a sufficiency of books dealing with the history, geography, politics, raids and revolts, I confined myself to... more...

Chapter One. The Beautiful Amina, Sheikh Amer’s Wife—Arabs in Consultation—The Country of Rua—Beautiful Women of Rua—The Consul’s son—Selim and Isa are permitted to join the Expedition—Ludha Damha offers to lend Money—Selim tells his Mother—Selim’s Manliness aroused—Selim argues with his Mother—The Expedition sets sail for Bagamoyo. About four miles north of the city of... more...