Henry Handel Richardson

Henry Handel Richardson
Henry Handel Richardson was the pen name of Australian writer Ethel Florence Lindesay Richardson (1870-1946). She is best known for her trilogy "The Fortunes of Richard Mahony," a significant work in Australian literature that examines the complexities of colonial life. Richardson's other notable works include "Maurice Guest" and "The Getting of Wisdom." Her writing is characterized by psychological depth, realism, and an exploration of personal and social dislocation.

Author's Books:

PROEM In a shaft on the Gravel Pits, a man had been buried alive. At work in a deep wet hole, he had recklessly omitted to slab the walls of a drive; uprights and tailors yielded under the lateral pressure, and the rotten earth collapsed, bringing down the roof in its train. The digger fell forward on his face, his ribs jammed across his pick, his arms pinned to his sides, nose and mouth pressed into... more...

The four children were lying on the grass. "... and the Prince went further and further into the forest," said the elder girl, "till he came to a beautiful gladeā€”a glade, you know, is a place in the forest that is open and green and lovely. And there he saw a lady, a beautiful lady, in a long white dress that hung down to her ankles, with a golden belt and a golden crown. She was lying on... more...

I. One noon in 189-, a young man stood in front of the new Gewandhaus in Leipzig, and watched the neat, grass-laid square, until then white and silent in the sunshine, grow dark with many figures. The public rehearsal of the weekly concert was just over, and, from the half light of the warm-coloured hall, which for more than two hours had held them secluded, some hundreds of people hastened, with... more...