Harvey Newcomb

Harvey Newcomb
Harvey Newcomb (1803–1863) was an American author, clergyman, and educator, known for writing over 170 books, primarily focusing on religious instruction and moral guidance. His works were aimed at a wide range of audiences, including children, youth, and families, promoting Christian values and practical piety. Some of his notable books include "How to Be a Man" and "How to Be a Lady," which provided ethical and spiritual advice for young readers. He also contributed to religious periodicals and worked as an editor for the "Boston Traveller."

Author's Books:

LETTER I. The Christian's Mark. "Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."—Phil. 3:13, 14. My Dear Sister, Ever since the death of our dear mother, I have felt a deep interest in your welfare. And your being left, while young, in a measure dependent... more...

A MAN’S character is formed early in life. There may be some exceptions. In some instances, very great changes take place after a person has grown to manhood. But, even in such cases, many of the early habits of thought, feeling, and action still remain. And sometimes, we are disappointed in the favorable appearances of early life. Not unfrequently the promising boy, in youth or early manhood, runs a... more...