Harry De Windt

Harry De Windt
Harry De Windt (1856–1933) was a British explorer, travel writer, and author known for his adventurous journeys through remote and often hazardous regions. He gained prominence for his extensive travels across Siberia, Central Asia, and other challenging territories, which he documented in numerous travelogues. Some of his notable works include "From Paris to New York by Land" and "Through the Gold-Fields of Alaska to Bering Straits." His writing provided valuable insights into the cultures and environments of distant lands during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I. TIFLIS—BAKU. "Ceci non!" A spacious apartment, its polished parquet strewn with white bearskins and the thickest and softest of Persian rugs; its panelled walls hung with Oriental tapestries, costly daggers, pistols, and shields of barbaric, but beautiful, workmanship, glistening with gold and silver. Every detail of the room denotes the artistic taste of the owner. Inlaid tables... more...

CHAPTER I THROUGH EUROPE. THE TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILWAY. The success of my recent land expedition from Paris to New York is largely due to the fact that I had previously essayed the feat in 1896 and failed, for the experience gained on that journey was well worth the price I paid for it. On that occasion I attempted the voyage in an opposite direction—viz., from America to France, but only half the... more...

CHAPTER I. Our Plan of Travel Outfitters—​Journey to Marseilles—​Departure—​"The Inevitable"—​Journey Out—​Singapore—​Leave for Kuching—​The Aline—​"Talang-Talang"—​The Sarawak River—​Kuching—​The... more...