George Santayana

George Santayana
George Santayana (1863–1952) was a Spanish-American philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist, best known for his works on aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology. His notable works include "The Life of Reason," where he famously remarked, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Santayana's philosophical outlook blended pragmatism with materialism and spiritual insight, emphasizing the importance of tradition and cultural continuity. Besides philosophy, he also wrote novels like "The Last Puritan," which was a bestseller and further solidified his intellectual legacy.

Author's Books:

I THE INTELLECTUAL TEMPER OF THE AGE The present age is a critical one and interesting to live in. The civilisation characteristic of Christendom has not disappeared, yet another civilisation has begun to take its place. We still understand the value of religious faith; we still appreciate the pompous arts of our forefathers; we are brought up on academic architecture, sculpture, painting, poetry, and... more...

Whether Chaos or Order lay at the beginning of things is a question once much debated in the schools but afterward long in abeyance, not so much because it had been solved as because one party had been silenced by social pressure. The question is bound to recur in an age when observation and dialectic again freely confront each other. Naturalists look back to chaos since they observe everything growing... more...

PREFACE This little work contains the chief ideas gathered together for a course of lectures on the theory and history of aesthetics given at Harvard College from 1892 to 1895. The only originality I can claim is that which may result from the attempt to put together the scattered commonplaces of criticism into a system, under the inspiration of a naturalistic psychology. I have studied sincerity... more...

I A good portrait of Locke would require an elaborate background. His is not a figure to stand statuesquely in a void: the pose might not seem grand enough for bronze or marble. Rather he should be painted in the manner of the Dutch masters, in a sunny interior, scrupulously furnished with all the implements of domestic comfort and philosophic enquiry: the Holy Bible open majestically before him, and... more...