Francis Darwin

Francis Darwin
Francis Darwin (1848–1925) was an English botanist and son of Charles Darwin. He worked closely with his father and contributed to his research, particularly in botany. Francis edited several of his father's works, including "The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin," and wrote his own books such as "Practical Physiology of Plants." His work focused on plant physiology, and he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society for his scientific contributions.

Author's Books:

IRUSTIC SOUNDS Sounds are to me more reminiscent than sights; they bring back the sensations of childhood, and indeed all memories of my past life, in a way more touching and clear than what is seen.  Wendell Holmes claims the sense of smell as most closely associated with memory; for me, as I say, it is that of hearing. In this paper I shall wander in imagination through the different seasons in the... more...

Governesses used to tell us that the seasons of the year each consist of three months, and of these March, April, and May make the springtime.  I should like to break the symmetry, and give February to spring, which would then include February, March, April, and May.  It has been said that winter is but autumn “shyly shaking hands with spring.”  We will, accordingly, make winter a short link of... more...