Eugene Brieux

Eugene Brieux
Eugène Brieux (1858–1932) was a French playwright known for his socially conscious dramas. He addressed issues such as poverty, education, and the oppression of women, using theater as a platform for social critique. His most famous works include "Les Avariés" ("Damaged Goods"), which deals with the taboo topic of syphilis, and "La Robe Rouge" ("The Red Robe"), which critiques the justice system. Brieux was a member of the Académie française and a key figure in the naturalist movement in French theater.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I It was four o'clock in the morning when George Dupont closed the door and came down the steps to the street. The first faint streaks of dawn were in the sky, and he noticed this with annoyance, because he knew that his hair was in disarray and his whole aspect disorderly; yet he dared not take a cab, because he feared to attract attention at home. When he reached the sidewalk, he glanced... more...

PREFACE We are confronted at the present time by the woman who is anxious to lay by means for her own support irrespective of the protection of her husband. In this play I have indicated the tendency of this difficulty and the consequent troubles which the older civilizations will bring upon themselves when the woman's standing as a worker is generally acknowledged. My conclusion, namely, that all... more...