Burton Jesse Hendrick

Burton Jesse Hendrick
Burton Jesse Hendrick (1870–1949) was an American biographer and journalist, best known for his historical works. He won the Pulitzer Prize three times, including for his biographies "The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page" and "The Training of an American: The Earlier Life and Letters of Walter H. Page." Hendrick specialized in writing about prominent figures in American politics and diplomacy, often blending biography with history. His works are characterized by their detailed research and engaging narrative style.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER XIV THE "LUSITANIA"—AND AFTER The news of the Lusitania was received at the American Embassy at four o'clock on the afternoon of May 7, 1915. At that time preparations were under way for a dinner in honour of Colonel and Mrs. House; the first Lusitania announcement declared that only the ship itself had been destroyed and that all the passengers and members of the crew had been... more...

CHAPTER I A RECONSTRUCTION BOYHOOD The earliest recollections of any man have great biographical interest, and this is especially the case with Walter Page, for not the least dramatic aspect of his life was that it spanned the two greatest wars in history. Page spent his last weeks in England, at Sandwich, on the coast of Kent; every day and every night he could hear the pounding of the great guns in... more...

CHAPTER I. INDUSTRIAL AMERICA AT THE END OF THE CIVIL WAR A comprehensive survey of the United States, at the end of the Civil War, would reveal a state of society which bears little resemblance to that of today. Almost all those commonplace fundamentals of existence, the things that contribute to our bodily comfort while they vex us with economic and political problems, had not yet made their... more...