Bryce Walton

Bryce Walton
Bryce Walton was an American writer primarily known for his works in science fiction and mystery genres. He contributed to a variety of pulp magazines throughout the mid-20th century and wrote novels such as "Sons of the Ocean Deeps" and "Cave of the Crystals". Walton also wrote for television, including episodes for shows like "Captain Video". His stories often explored psychological and futuristic themes, earning him a place among prominent pulp fiction authors of his time.

Author's Books:

he rocket skin was like a dun-colored wall in the dim light under the hill. Three anonymous men who were beyond suspicion, who had worked on the rocket, were taking Barlow up in the elevator, up along the rocket's curving walls. Earlier, scores of men had climbed up many ladders to various platforms where doors opened into the rocket's compartments for the insertion and repair of the many... more...

"Nothing around those other suns but ashes and dried blood," old Dunbar told the space-wrecked, desperate men. "Only one way to go, where we can float down through the clouds to Paradise. That's straight ahead to the sun with the red rim around it." But Dunbar's eyes were old and uncertain. How could they believe in his choice when every star in this forsaken section of space... more...

After the Doctor gave him the hypo and left the ship, Bowren lay in absolute darkness wondering when the change would start. There would be pain, the Doctor had said. "Then you won't be aware of anything—anything at all." That was a devil of a thing, Bowren thought, not to be aware of the greatest adventure any man ever had. He, Eddie Bowren, the first to escape the Earth into space, the... more...