Archibald Forbes

Archibald Forbes
Archibald Forbes (1838–1900) was a Scottish war correspondent and writer known for his vivid reporting during major 19th-century conflicts, particularly the Franco-Prussian War. He was one of the most notable correspondents of the "Daily News" and earned widespread recognition for his detailed and firsthand accounts from the battlefield. Forbes published several books, including "My Experiences of the War Between France and Germany" (1871) and "The Afghan Wars 1839-42 and 1878-80" (1892), offering insights into military campaigns. His writings contributed significantly to public understanding of wars during that era, blending journalism with historical analysis.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I: PRELIMINARY Since it was the British complications with Persia which mainly furnished what pretext there was for the invasion of Afghanistan by an Anglo-Indian army in 1839, some brief recital is necessary of the relations between Great Britain and Persia prior to that aggression. By a treaty, concluded between England and Persia in 1814, the former state bound itself, in case of the... more...

MATRIMONY UNDER FIRE The interval between the declaration of the Franco-German war of 1870-71, and the "military promenade," at which the poor Prince Imperial received his "baptism of fire," was a pleasant, lazy time at Saarbrücken; to which pretty frontier town I had early betaken myself, in the anticipation, which proved well founded, that the tide of war would flow that way first.... more...