Anthony Gilmore

Anthony Gilmore
Anthony Gilmore was a science fiction writer active in the 1930s, known for his adventure-packed space opera stories. He co-wrote several pulp magazine stories with Harry Bates under the pseudonym "Anthony Gilmore," with their most famous works including "Hawk Carse" stories, which appeared in "Astounding Stories". These stories feature the heroic interplanetary adventurer, Hawk Carse, battling villains across the galaxy. Gilmore's work is characterized by fast-paced action and imaginative settings that were popular with readers during the Golden Age of Science Fiction.

Author's Books:

CHAPTER I Off to the Rendezvous Hawk Carse himself goes to keep Judd the Kite's rendezvous with the sinister genius Ku Sui. Though it is seldom nowadays that Earthmen hear mention of Hawk Carse, there are still places in the universe where his name retains all its old magic. These are the lonely outposts of the farthest planets, and here when the outlanders gather to yarn the idle hours away their... more...

The PlanA screaming streak in the night—a cloud of billowing steam—and the climax of Hawk Carse's spectacular "Affair of the Brains" is over.Like a projectile Hawk Carse shot out in a direction away from Earth.The career of Hawk Carse, taken broadly, divides itself into three main phases, and it is with the Ku Sui adventures of the second phase that we have been concerned in this... more...

Had not old John Sewell, the historian, recognized Hawk Carse for what he was—a creator of new space-frontiers, pioneer of vast territories for commerce, molder of history through his long feud with the powerful Eurasian scientist, Ku Sui—the adventurer would doubtless have passed into oblivion like other long-forgotten spacemen. We have Sewell's industry to thank for our basic knowledge of... more...

The Swoop of the Hawk One of the spectacular exploits of Hawk Carse, greatest of space adventurers. awk Carse came to the frontiers of space when Saturn was the frontier planet, which was years before the swift Patrol ships brought Earth's law and order to those vast regions. A casual glance at his slender figure made it seem impossible that he was to rise to be the greatest adventurer in space,... more...