American Anti-Slavery Society

American Anti-Slavery Society
The American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS) was founded in 1833 by abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur Tappan, with the goal of ending slavery in the United States. The society used a variety of methods to promote its cause, including publications like the newspaper "The Liberator" and organizing public lectures. The AASS played a significant role in increasing public awareness and support for the abolitionist movement, influencing key figures and events leading up to the Civil War.

Author's Books:

THE NEW TESTAMENT AGAINST SLAVERY. "THE SON OF MAN IS COME TO SEEK AND TO SAVE THAT WHICH WAS LOST." Is Jesus Christ in favor of American slavery? In 1776 THOMAS JEFFERSON, supported by a noble band of patriots and surrounded by the American people, opened his lips in the authoritative declaration: "We hold these truths to be SELF-EVIDENT, that all men are created equal; that they are... more...

NARRATIVE OF MR. CAULKINS. I feel it my duty to tell some things that I know about slavery, in order, if possible, to awaken more feeling at the North in behalf of the slave. The treatment of the slaves on the plantations where I had the greatest opportunity of getting knowledge, was not so bad as that on some neighboring estates, where the owners were noted for their cruelty. There were, however,... more...

THE ANTI-SLAVERY EXAMINER VOL. I. AUGUST, 1836. NO. 1. TO THEPEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES;OR, TO SUCH AMERICANS AS VALUE THEIR RIGHTS, ANDDARE TO MAINTAIN THEM. FELLOW COUNTRYMEN! A crisis has arrived, in which rights the most important which civil society can acknowledge, and which have been acknowledged by our Constitution and laws, in terms the most explicit which language can afford, are set at... more...

THE FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW, AND ITS VICTIMS. The Fugitive Slave Law was enacted by Congress in September, 1850, received the signature of HOWELL COBB, [of Georgia,] as Speaker of the House of Representatives, of WILLIAM R. KING, [of Alabama,] as President of the Senate, and was "approved," September 18th, of that year, by MILLARD FILLMORE, Acting President of the United States. The authorship of... more...

POWER OF CONGRESS OVER THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. A civilized community presupposes a government of law. If that government be a republic, its citizens are the sole sources, as well as the subjects of its power. Its constitution is their bill of directions to their own agents--a grant authorizing the exercise of certain powers, and prohibiting that of others. In the Constitution of the United States,... more...