Alfred North Whitehead

Alfred North Whitehead
Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947) was a British philosopher and mathematician, known for his contributions to metaphysics, logic, and the philosophy of science. He co-authored "Principia Mathematica" with Bertrand Russell, a foundational work in logic and mathematics. Whitehead's philosophical work culminated in "Process and Reality," where he developed process philosophy, emphasizing becoming and change as fundamental to reality. His ideas deeply influenced fields like theology, education, and environmental philosophy.

Author's Books:

PREFACE The contents of this book were originally delivered at Trinity College in the autumn of 1919 as the inaugural course of Tarner lectures. The Tarner lectureship is an occasional office founded by the liberality of Mr Edward Tarner. The duty of each of the successive holders of the post will be to deliver a course on ‘the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Relations or Want of Relations between... more...