Alexander Hewatt

Alexander Hewatt
Alexander Hewatt was an 18th-century Scottish historian and clergyman known for his works on colonial America, particularly South Carolina. His most notable work, "An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia," published in 1779, provides a detailed narrative of the social, political, and economic life in the colonies. Hewatt's writings offer valuable insights into the relationship between the British government and American colonies during the period leading up to the American Revolution. His account is regarded as one of the earliest comprehensive histories of South Carolina and Georgia.

Author's Books:

[Sidenote] The form of legal governments. From that period in which the right and title to the lands of Carolina were sold, and surrendered to the King, and he assumed the immediate care and government of the province, a new aera commences in the annals of that country, which may be called the aera of its freedom, security, and happiness. The Carolineans who had long laboured under innumerable... more...

CHAP. I. Among the various events recorded in the history of past ages, there are few more interesting and important than the discovery of the western world. By it a large field for adventures, and a new source of power, opulence and grandeur, opened to European nations. To obtain a share of the vast territories in the west became an object of ambition to many of them; but for this purpose, the... more...