Religion Books

Showing: 221-230 results of 498

PREFACE In venturing to prepare this little volume for the eyes of the reading public, I am fully aware of the difficulties of the subject and the inadequacy of the expressions I have been able to employ, but I have made the attempt at the request of those who have found consolation in some of the thoughts herein embodied; and the messages left by others before they passed away, embolden me to hope... more...

Jeder Mensch begeht gegen seinen Willen Fehler. Menschen verfangen sich in ihren eigenen Fehlern und leiden dadurch unentwegt. Sie haben den aufrichtigen Wunsch, sich davon zu befreien, inneres Glück zu finden und sich zu ihrer Befreiung hin zu entwickeln. Die Tirthankars (vollständig Erleuchtete) und die Gnanis (Meister der spirituellen Wissenschaft) haben der Welt die einzige Waffe gegeben, um... more...

by: Allan Fea
INTRODUCTION The secret chamber is unrivalled even by the haunted house for the mystery and romance surrounding it. Volumes have been written about the haunted house, while the secret chamber has found but few exponents. The ancestral ghost has had his day, and to all intents and purposes is dead, notwithstanding the existence of the Psychical Society and the investigations of Mr. Stead and the late... more...

¿ Qué es lo que buscan todos los seres (jivas) ? Lo que quieren es la felicidad, pero la felicidad no dura mucho tiempo. La gente va a bodas o al teatro para divertirse, pero la miseria vuelve otra vez. Cuando la infelicidad sigue a la felicidad ¿cómo podemos llamarla felicidad ? Es una felicidad del engaño. La felicidad debiera de ser permanente. El otro tipo de felicidad no es otra cosa que... more...

by: Iohn Boys
GVNPOWDER TREASON DAY. Psalme 150. O praise God in his holinesse, &c. ALL the Psalmes of Dauid are comprised in two words, aHalleluiah, and Hosanna, that is, blessed be God, and God blesse; as being for the greater part either praiers vnto God for receiuing mercies, or else praises vnto God for escaping miseries. This our present Hymne placed as a bConclusion of the whole booke; yea, the beginning,... more...

My book is ready for the printer, and as I begin this preface my eye lights upon the crowd of Russian peasants at work on the Neva under my windows. With pick and shovel they are letting the rays of the April sun into the great ice barrier which binds together the modern quays and the old granite fortress where lie the bones of the Romanoff Czars. This barrier is already weakened; it is widely decayed,... more...

I. INTRODUCTORY These lectures will not be concerned with history as a record of wars and political changes; they will have little to tell of battles, murders, and sudden deaths. Instead, we shall try to discover and throw light on the cyclic movements of the Human Spirit. Back of all phenomena, or the outward show of things, there is always a noumenon in the unseen. Behind the phenomena of human... more...

"The Commission" Did Christ command his disciples to baptize with water? Let us search the New Testament and see what it says. We find the four evangelists and Peter each render Christ's command to his apostles in very different language. Matthew's version is generally adduced to support water baptism. We cannot assume that in Matthew, our Saviour's words are quoted verbatim,... more...

La gente discute sobre lo que es “mío” y lo que es “tuyo” en la religión. Para mantener tales disputas a raya está el Trimantra. Cuando uno comprende el significado fundamental del Trimantra (una oración auspiciosa), uno se dará cuenta de que no es un mantra de una religión en exc lusiva, o de una secta o división de una religión. Los saludos en el Trimantra son ofrecidos a todos los... more...

Foreword The Evangelization of the World is being accomplished more rapidly than we think. Three mighty movements are constantly at work—Reformation, Heathen Missions and Emigration or Colonization. By the Reformation Europe was evangelized; by Heathen Missions Asia and Africa are being evangelized and by Emigration or Colonization North and South America and Australia have been to a large extent... more...