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Sermons Books
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George MacDonald
SALVATION FROM SIN. —and thou shalt call his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from their sins.—Matthew i. 21. I would help some to understand what Jesus came from the home of our Father to be to us and do for us. Everything in the world is more or less misunderstood at first: we have to learn what it is, and come at length to see that it must be so, that it could not be otherwise. Then we...
If I could only make men understand the real meaning of the words of the apostle John—“God is love,” I would take that single text, and would go up and down the world proclaiming this glorious truth. If you can convince a man that you love him you have won his heart. If we really make people believe that God loves them, how we should find them crowding into the kingdom of heaven! The trouble is...
Chris Viljoen
Have you ever wondered about the end? Are you unsure about how much of it you will personally experience? Maybe the Revelation is total darkness for you... Look no further! In this guide you will find easy-to-understand explanations of every description in Revelation. Creative illustrations make it easy to color your imagination. Find out with us how Jesus finally wins! Look together through the...
Chris Viljoen
The author, a seasoned lecturer and Bible school leader, continues to study and instill hope in the hearts of eager readers. With more than 14 years of experience and three years of research, a complete study guide on the entire life of Jesus Christ has been compiled to learn about the Creator and Savior Jesus Christ in a way that would make you taste, feel, and smell His entire environment. Get ready...
DISCOURSE. Psalm 33: 12.—Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord. We have met to-day, at the call of the Governor of this Commonwealth, to render thanks to the Supreme Governor of the world for his mercies granted us during the past year. Surely we have abundant cause for thanksgiving. In the present instance, our annual festival not only calls us to recognize the common bounties of God's...
I The Discipline of the Will ASH WEDNESDAY Isaiah lviii. 6 "Is not this the fast that I have chosen?" Discipline is the central idea of the observance of Lent. An opportunity, rich in its splendid possibilities, comes before us this year. Much of the discipline of this Lent is settled for us by those tragic circumstances in which we find ourselves placed. God seems to be saying to us, in no...
Charles Kingsley
SERMON I. THE MYSTERY OF THE CROSS. A GOOD FRIDAY SERMON. Philippians ii. 5-8. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a slave, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient...
David Wright
SERMON. 2 Samuel xviii. 29. "IS THE YOUNG MAN ABSALOM SAFE?" The touch of nature comes out strongly here. And it is this touch of nature appearing always in the Old Testament stories which gives to them their reality. The writer of ordinary histories has for the most part his favourites. These are the heroes of his imagination, and the history of their doings is unconsciously tempered by this...
Hannibal Gamon
Honovrable Sir, Although it bee true (which a worthy Diuine obÃ
¿erueth) that formall Hypocrites are heartned and hardned in their lewd courÃ
¿es & falÃ
¿e conceits of happineÃ
¿e, when they heare more infamous Sinners than themÃ
¿elues, gloriouÃ
¿ly and flatteringly commended at their Deaths; yet we need not feare any Ã
¿uch bad effect by the...
Joseph Butler
INTRODUCTION. Joseph Butler was born in 1692, youngest of eight children of a linendraper at Wantage, in Berkshire. His father was a Presbyterian, and after education at the Wantage Free Grammar School Joseph Butler was sent to be educated for the Presbyterian ministry in a training academy at Gloucester, which was afterwards removed to Tewkesbury. There he had a friend and comrade, Secker, who...