Sermons Books

Showing: 1-10 results of 54

I An unconscionable time a-dying—there is the picture ("I am afraid, gentlemen,") of your life and of mine. The sands run out, and the hours are "numbered and imputed," and the days go by; and when the last of these finds us, we have been a long time dying, and what else? The very length is something, if we reach that hour of separation undishonoured; and to have lived at all is... more...

To my reverend Friend Mr.SAMUEL WARD. Sir, your Sermon which I copied partly from your mouth, and partly from your notes, I have adventured into the light; encouraged by the approbation, and earnest entreaty of such, whose judgements you reverence, and whose love you embrace: who also have made bolde heere and there to varie some things, not of any great consequence, if I can judge. I was loth to... more...

SERMON. PROVERBS, XXII. 9. "He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor." How merciful and gracious is our Heavenly Father in presenting to us his commandments, united with the promise of ample rewards to those who will obey them. As the author of our being, the creator and preserver of our means of existence, and our sources of happiness, he has an... more...

A STATEMENT: On the Future of This Church On Sunday, November 24 last, as most of you know. I was invited by unanimous vote of the people of All Souls Church, Chicago, "to take up the work laid down by (their) beloved pastor," the late Dr. Jenkin Lloyd Jones. On Thursday, November 28, I received this call through the personal visitation of two members of the Chicago church, and agreed to give... more...

I. THE BEAUTY OF A LIFE OF SERVICE. I should like to read to you again the words of Jesus from the 8th chapter of the Gospel of St. John:— "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on Him, if ye continue in My word, then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any... more...

by: Iohn Boys
GVNPOWDER TREASON DAY. Psalme 150. O praise God in his holinesse, &c. ALL the Psalmes of Dauid are comprised in two words, aHalleluiah, and Hosanna, that is, blessed be God, and God blesse; as being for the greater part either praiers vnto God for receiuing mercies, or else praises vnto God for escaping miseries. This our present Hymne placed as a bConclusion of the whole booke; yea, the beginning,... more...

BESIDE THE STILL WATERS.   "He leadeth me beside the still waters."Psalm xxiii. 2. There has been a period of geological speculation, at which all the changes which have taken place upon the earth's surface, and have left their unmistakable marks in countless relics of animal and vegetable life, were attributed to the action of sudden and violent forces, of which, to-day, earthquake and... more...

CHURCH WORK AMONG THE NEGROES IN THE SOUTH I take as the South the eleven old slave states, which stood at one time in armed array against the rest of the United States, which are to-day as loyal and true to the General Government as any other states in this great and favored land of ours. They are Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Louisiana,... more...

Die skrywer, ‘n gesoute dosent en bybelskool-leier, gaan voort om te studeer en hoop in die harte van gretige lesers te vestig. Met meer as 14 jaar ondervinding en drie jaar se navorsing, is ‘n volledige studiegids oor die hele lewe van Jesus Christus saamgestel om te leer oor die Skepper en Verlosser Jesus Christus op ‘n manier wat u Sy hele omgewing sou laat proe, voel, en ruik. Maak gereed om... more...

Het jy al ooit gewonder oor die einde? Is jy onseker oor hoeveel daarvan jy persoonlik gaan beleef? Miskien is die Openbaring vir jou totale duisternis... Moenie verder soek nie! In hierdie gids sal jy maklik-verstaanbare verklarings kry van elke beskrywing in Openbaring. Kreatiewe illustrasies maak dit maklik om jou verbeelding in te kleur. Vind uit saam ons hoe Jesus finaal oorwin! Kyk saam deur die... more...

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