Religion Books

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Wat beter manier is daar om wysheid te kry, as om uit die mond van die Skepper self te leer? Gebruik hierdie gids om elke vers van die Spreuke van Salomo noukeurig te bestudeer. Die skrywer, ‘n ywerige Christen volger van Jesus, gebruik kreatiewe leidrade in kriptiese blokkiesraaisels, wat jou op die punt van jou stoel sal hou! Maak solank jou HB potlood skerp!

Het jy al ooit gewonder oor die einde? Is jy onseker oor hoeveel daarvan jy persoonlik gaan beleef? Miskien is die Openbaring vir jou totale duisternis... Moenie verder soek nie! In hierdie gids sal jy maklik-verstaanbare verklarings kry van elke beskrywing in Openbaring. Kreatiewe illustrasies maak dit maklik om jou verbeelding in te kleur. Vind uit saam ons hoe Jesus finaal oorwin! Kyk saam deur die... more...

Have you ever wondered about the end? Are you unsure about how much of it you will personally experience? Maybe the Revelation is total darkness for you... Look no further! In this guide you will find easy-to-understand explanations of every description in Revelation. Creative illustrations make it easy to color your imagination. Find out with us how Jesus finally wins! Look together through the... more...

The author, a seasoned lecturer and Bible school leader, continues to study and instill hope in the hearts of eager readers. With more than 14 years of experience and three years of research, a complete study guide on the entire life of Jesus Christ has been compiled to learn about the Creator and Savior Jesus Christ in a way that would make you taste, feel, and smell His entire environment. Get ready... more...

Die skrywer, ‘n gesoute dosent en bybelskool-leier, gaan voort om te studeer en hoop in die harte van gretige lesers te vestig. Met meer as 14 jaar ondervinding en drie jaar se navorsing, is ‘n volledige studiegids oor die hele lewe van Jesus Christus saamgestel om te leer oor die Skepper en Verlosser Jesus Christus op ‘n manier wat u Sy hele omgewing sou laat proe, voel, en ruik. Maak gereed om... more...

CHAPTER I. SALAAM. The Western student is apt to be somewhat confused in his ideas regarding the Yogis and their philosophy and practice. Travelers to India have written great tales about the hordes of fakirs, mendicants and mountebanks who infest the great roads of India and the streets of its cities, and who impudently claim the title "Yogi." The Western student is scarcely to be blamed for... more...

I The Discipline of the Will ASH WEDNESDAY Isaiah lviii. 6 "Is not this the fast that I have chosen?" Discipline is the central idea of the observance of Lent. An opportunity, rich in its splendid possibilities, comes before us this year. Much of the discipline of this Lent is settled for us by those tragic circumstances in which we find ourselves placed. God seems to be saying to us, in no... more...

1. The Kaiser's Hatred of the United States It is a proverb that things done in secret soon or late are published from the housetops. Certainly everything that was hidden as to the plots of the Potsdam gang is, little by little, now being revealed. Nothing illustrates this fact better than that volume published in Leipsic in 1907, called "Reminiscences of Ten Years in the German Embassy in... more...

PREFACE. istories are strange things: they uncover so many hidden events, and bring back so many lost memories. A history that traces the beginnings of a reform movement, that weaves the shuttle of memory in and out of the web of the past and presents a perfect woof of fact and incident, is a treasury of knowledge that will not fail to delight and instruct. But the compilation of such a history is no... more...

INTRODUCTION.Object of the book.1. In publishing this work, my chief object is to remove the general and erroneous impression from the minds of European and Christian writers regarding Islam, that Mohammad waged wars of conquest, extirpation, as well as of proselytizing against the Koreish, other Arab tribes, the Jews, and Christians; that he held the Koran in one hand and the scimitar in the other,... more...

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