Religion Books

Showing: 151-160 results of 451

INTRODUCTORY. American fellow-citizens—America is my home! I have no other country. After my God and my religion, my country is the dearest object of my life! I love my country as dearly as any one else can. It is this love that makes my heart bleed when I call to mind the actual state of society in our country, and the principles that prevail everywhere. It is indeed but too true that we live in a... more...

Wat beter manier is daar om wysheid te kry, as om uit die mond van die Skepper self te leer? Gebruik hierdie gids om elke vers van die Spreuke van Salomo noukeurig te bestudeer. Die skrywer, ‘n ywerige Christen volger van Jesus, gebruik kreatiewe leidrade in kriptiese blokkiesraaisels, wat jou op die punt van jou stoel sal hou! Maak solank jou HB potlood skerp!

CHAPTER I. FETICHISM. THE CHINESE. THE EGYPTIANS. 1. FETICHISM. The lowest stage of religious development is fetichism, as it is found among the savage tribes of the polar regions, and in Africa, America, and Australia. In this stage, man's needs are as yet very limited and exclusively confined to the material world. Still too little developed intellectually to worship the divine in nature and her... more...

PREFACE.————This lesson-book was prepared in order to meet a need realized in my own work as a pastor; a need which is felt by many pastors and workers among the young. In the Home, Sunday-School and Church are children of all ages, from six to sixteen. It is found impracticable to give to all this varied company the same teaching. The lessons that are admirably adapted for boys and girls... more...

CHAPTER I. THE ROMAN EMPIRE AT THE TIME OF THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. Upwards of a quarter of a century before the Birth of Christ, the grandnephew of Julius Caesar had become sole master of the Roman world. Never, perhaps, at any former period, had so many human beings acknowledged the authority of a single potentate. Some of the most powerful monarchies at present in Europe extend over only a fraction of... more...

AUNT MARY. A LADY sat alone in her own apartment one clear evening, when the silver stars were out, and the moon shone pure as the spirit of peace upon the rebellious earth. How lovely was every outward thing! How beautiful is God's creation! The window curtains were drawn close, and the only light in the cheerful room, was given by a night-lamp that was burning on the mantel-piece. The occupant,... more...

I. THE BEAUTY OF A LIFE OF SERVICE. I should like to read to you again the words of Jesus from the 8th chapter of the Gospel of St. John:— "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on Him, if ye continue in My word, then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any... more...

The Duties of Churchwardens. I am so constantly asked in the course of my inspection of the Churches in the Archdeaconry of Winchester what are the duties and responsibilities of Churchwardens, that I have thought it might be useful to publish the following remarks, which were in substance delivered in my charge to the Clergy and Churchwardens of the Archdeaconry of Winchester in the Spring of 1889. ... more...

CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE How is it that ye sought Me? Wist ye not that I must be in My Father's house?—LUKE ii. 49 (Revised Version). The Bible story from which the text is taken has been illustrated by a famous picture. The artist is Mr. Holman Hunt, who has painted many pictures on Bible subjects, and has spent many years in Palestine in connection with his work. His painting of "The Finding... more...

Introduction For the sake of non-Lutheran readers it may be well, in a sketch of the story and problems of our churches, to present a short statement of their principles and to indicate in what respect these differ from the general attitude and beliefs of other churches. In doing so however the author does not presume to encroach upon the field belonging to the scholars of the church. He is not an... more...