Regional Books

Showing: 41-50 results of 62

by: Various
VOL. 37. No. 17. WEEKLY.DAVID C. COOK PUBLISHING CO., ELGIN, ILLINOIS.GEORGE E. COOK, EDITOR.APRIL 26, 1914. The tide was low, and a dark line of rocks showed up clearly in the still water. "I wonder what those rocks are really like," said Toby rising slowly from his seat. "It looks almost as if we could paddle out to them," said his twin sister Nancy, as she pushed her red curls under... more...

by: Various
We look forward to the fifty-second anniversary of the American Missionary Association to be held at Concord, N. H., October 25-27, with exceptional interest. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Doctor George A. Gordon. Distinguished speakers add to the interest of the meetings. Missionaries from the field will present the varied features of their work among the Indians, mountain people and the colored... more...

by: Various
THE JUBILEE YEAR FUND. In the last number of The American Missionary we published the plea of the Executive Committee of this Association for an offering to relieve the Association in its financial necessities. We present below the working point of that document in these words: It is proposed to raise during the next six months a special Jubilee Year Fund of $100,000, in shares of $50 each, with the... more...

by: Various
THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY, NOW A QUARTERLY. Some of our friends write us, saying that they do not receive the "American Missionary" regularly. Perhaps these friends have not noticed the announcement that our magazine is now a quarterly and not a monthly. The last number was issued December, 1897, and this number will appear March, 1898. We publish in this number of the magazine the annual list of... more...

by: Various
VOL. 37. NO. 8 WEEKLY.DAVID C. COOK PUBLISHING CO., ELGIN, ILLINOIS.GEORGE E. COOK. EDITOR.FEBRUARY 22, 1914. "We're all such little girls, Miss Lee. We can't do things for people. They have to do things for us, all the time, don't you see? How can we do much helping?" Little Grace Mayne looked into her teacher's face with earnest eyes as she said this. The girls in the class... more...

by: Various
American Missionary Association. The Rooms of the American Missionary Association are now in the Bible House, New York City. Correspondents will please address us accordingly. Visitors will find our Rooms on the sixth floor of the Bible House, corner Ninth Street and Fourth Avenue; entrance by elevator on Ninth Street. DR. STORRS, ON THE NEGRO PROBLEM. Not long since Rev. R.S. Storrs, D.D., preached a... more...

by: Various
American Missionary Association. FREE ONCE MORE. At the close of our fiscal year in 1887, we were enabled to utter the joyful word "Free," no debt darkening our balance sheet. Last year (1888) we were compelled to moderate our tone and say "Not quite free," for a balance of $5,641.21 stood on the wrong side of our ledger. But now, in the good providence of God, we can say "Free once... more...

by: Various
WHAT NOW? One-third of the fiscal year passed on Feb. 1st without any special campaign of appeals in behalf of the debt and the suffering work of the American Missionary Association. We have constantly reported to its supporting churches and friends the exact financial condition of the Association. We have reiterated the call voted at our Annual Meeting for such enlargement of support as will bring the... more...

by: Various
American Missionary Association. OUR ANNUAL MEETING. We return from our Annual Meeting held in Chicago with a deep sense of gratitude to God and to the many friends who in various ways helped to make it one of the most pleasant and profitable of our anniversaries. We did not have the remarkable uplift of a munificent gift like that of Mr. Daniel Hand, which made our meeting at Providence so memorable,... more...

by: Various
American Missionary Association. We present to our readers, on the opposite page, a picture of Mr. Daniel Hand from a photograph taken some time ago. It presents the likeness of a man of fine physical proportions and with energy and intelligence impressed on the features. The signature at the bottom of the picture is copied from one of Mr. Hand's recent letters, and shows the remarkable physical... more...