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by: Various
SHALL CHRIST OR MOHAMMED WIN AFRICA? Ultimately Christ will, as we know by the sure word of prophecy; immediately, Mohammed gains most rapidly, as present facts seem to indicate. The rapid strides of Mohammedanism in Africa have been noticed by nearly all recent explorers and travelers, but the full statement of the fact has been brought forth more vividly in a remarkable book written by a remarkable... more...

by: Various
FINANCIAL OUTLOOK. The Figures. Our receipts for seven months to April 30th are, from donations, $118,051.25, estates, $20,308.09, incomes, $4,829.21, tuition, etc., $22,719.89, United States Government for Indians, $9,540.87; total, $175,449.31. Our payments to April 30th are $203,777.45. Debt balance, $28,328.14. The Meaning of the Figures. These figures mean a debt—growing at the rate of $4,000 a... more...

by: Various
Editorial ANNUAL MEETING. The next annual meeting of the American Missionary Association will be held in Northampton, Mass., in the Edwards Church, commencing at three o'clock Tuesday afternoon, October 21st. Rev. Frank W. Gunsaulus, D.D., of Chicago, Ill., will preach the sermon. On the last page of the cover will be found directions as to membership and other items of interest. Fuller details... more...

by: Various
American Missionary Association Removal. The Rooms of the American Missionary Association are now in the Bible House, New York City. Correspondents will please address us accordingly. Visitors will find our Rooms on the sixth floor of the Bible House, corner Ninth Street and Fourth Avenue; entrance by elevator on Ninth Street. It gives us great pleasure to announce the acceptance by Rev. Frank P.... more...

by: Various
The American Missionary.VOL. XLIX.March, 1895.No. 3.In this number of THE MISSIONARY we present our readers with an interesting variety of information, embracing sketches of personal observation by secretaries of the Association, letters from field workers, pictures of pioneers in two important fields, and pictures of one of our higher institutions. It is with sorrow that we are compelled to notice the... more...

by: Various
American Missionary Association It gives us great pleasure to announce that, at a recent meeting of our Executive Committee, Rev. Wm. M. Taylor, D.D., Pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle, New York, was elected President of the American Missionary Association. The death of our late honored President, ex-Governor Washburn, occurred so short a time before our last Annual Meeting, that no attempt was there... more...

by: Various
Communications Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; letters for "THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY," to the Editor, at the New York Office; letters relating to the finances, to the Treasurer. In drafts, checks, registered letters, or post-office orders, may be sent to H.W. Hubbard, Treasurer, Bible House, New York, or, when more convenient, to either... more...

by: Various
Another year. Are we ready for it, ready to work and to win? The harvest is still plenteous and every increase of store is precious. Who can measure such privilege? And what of opportunities? The swift-winged events of our civilization are continually hurrying us into the midst of them. It is a day of speedy rewards. Christ comes quickly in these times. The business of the Church is helped as... more...

by: Various
FINANCIAL. The Figures Improving. The receipts of the Association for the eight months to May 31, 1889, are: from donations, $134,993.37; from estates, $26,530.09; income, $6,479.21; tuition, $26,084.21; U.S. Gov't, $9,540.87, total, $203,627.75. Expenditures for the eight months, $229,422.82. Debtor balance, $25,795.07. The debtor balance reported in the last MISSIONARY for the seven months... more...

by: Various
OUR LIST OF MISSION FIELD WORKERS. We commend to our readers the catalogue of our missionary workers and their stations, in our magazine of this month. Mere names and places have very little interest to the general reader, but a study of this list to one who is interested in mission work, and who has the welfare of his country at heart, will prove to be very suggestive. Some of the larger institutions,... more...

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