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FINANCIAL. THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY presents its greetings for the month of May. Six months of our fiscal year are now in the past. The half year which we anticipate includes the summer time, when many of the friends of the ignorant millions to whom we are sent, are absent from their churches. The months of May and June ought to swell the stream of love and service against the season when the demand...
FINANCIAL. In some respects our report is favorable. Our receipts for the eight months ending May 31st are $18,487.18 more than for the same period last year. If the Association had received funds from the Government this year for the eight months, $10,127.95, the receipts would have been 28,615.13 more than last year. The payments for the eight months have been $11,315.16 less than last year. With...
1846. THE NEW YEAR. 1896. Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-six brings in the Jubilee Year of the American Missionary Association. What marked changes have taken place between 1846 and 1896, even in the range of events with which the Association is connected! Then the great gold discoveries in California had not been made; then little was done by the Church or the Government for the Indian; then the Southern...
American Missionary Association. The next Annual Meeting of the American Missionary Association will be held in Chicago, Ill., at the New England Church, commencing at three o'clock Tuesday afternoon, October 29th. Rev. R.R. Meredith, D.D., of Brooklyn, N.Y., will preach the sermon. Details regarding the reception of delegates and their entertainment, together with rates at hotels, and railroad...
COMMUNICATIONS Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; letters for "THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY," to the Editor, at the New York Office. DONATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS In drafts, checks, registered letters, or post-office orders, may be sent to H.W. Hubbard, Treasurer, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch...
Removal The Rooms of the American Missionary Association are now in the Bible House, New York City. Correspondents will please address us accordingly. Visitors will find our Rooms on the sixth floor of the Bible House, corner Ninth Street and Fourth Avenue; entrance by elevator on Ninth Street. The first six months of our fiscal year have passed. The receipts for this period are from collections...
FINANCIAL—THE DEBT. Our receipts for the eleven months ending August 31st show an increase from collections of $14,452.76; a decrease in legacies of $5,195.52; with a net increase of $9,257.24 over the corresponding months of last year. On the other hand, the expenditures for these eleven months have been $31,835.70 more than those of last year, and hence a debt of over $22,000 is impending. The...
DEATH OF REV. G. D. PIKE, D. D. In the death of Dr. Pike, which occurred in Hartford, Conn., Jan. 29, the American Missionary Association has lost a most earnest and successful worker. Repeated and protracted attacks of throat and lung troubles during the last two or three years, terminating in an illness that confined him to his room for three months, gave warning to his friends of the approach of...
The first six months of the present fiscal year of the American Missionary Association closed March 31st. The receipts are $18,961.74 more than for the same period last year. The increase in donations is $10,699, and in estates $6,433.24, exclusive of the reserve legacy account. The tuition and similar receipts are $1,829.49 more than last year. This is a favorable and encouraging showing. We...
VOL. 37. No. 17. WEEKLY.DAVID C. COOK PUBLISHING CO., ELGIN, ILLINOIS.GEORGE E. COOK, EDITOR.APRIL 26, 1914. The tide was low, and a dark line of rocks showed up clearly in the still water. "I wonder what those rocks are really like," said Toby rising slowly from his seat. "It looks almost as if we could paddle out to them," said his twin sister Nancy, as she pushed her red curls under...