Religion Books

Showing: 331-340 results of 498

INTRODUCTION. Joseph Butler was born in 1692, youngest of eight children of a linendraper at Wantage, in Berkshire.  His father was a Presbyterian, and after education at the Wantage Free Grammar School Joseph Butler was sent to be educated for the Presbyterian ministry in a training academy at Gloucester, which was afterwards removed to Tewkesbury.  There he had a friend and comrade, Secker, who... more...

CHAPTER I. YULE-TIDE OF THE ANCIENTS"There in the Temple, carved in wood,The image of great Odin stood,And other gods, with Thor supreme among them." As early as two thousand years before Christ Yule-tide was celebrated by the Aryans. They were sun-worshipers and believed the sun was born each morning, rode across the upper world, and sank into his grave at night. Day after day, as the... more...

In diesem Buch wird die spirituelle Belehrung über die ursprünglichen Eigenschaften des Selbst und anderer ewiger Elemente veröffentlicht, über die Sicht, die vom Gnani Purush (dem Erleuchteten) von Akram Vignan (spirituelle Wissenschaft) kam, welcher in der Welt als Param Pujya Dadashri (Meister der spirituellen Wissenschaft) bekannt wurde.

SECTION I. INTRODUCTORY. In the following pages I have examined the conclusions at which the author of a book entitled "Supernatural Religion" has assumed to have arrived. The method and contents of the work in question may be thus described. The work is entitled "Supernatural Religion, an Inquiry into the Reality of Divine Revelation." Its contents occupy two volumes of about 500 pages... more...

Cada ser humano comete errores sin querer. La gente se queda atrapada en sus propios errores y sufre innecesariamente. Tienen el deseo intenso de de ser libres de ellos, encontrar la verdadera felicidad y progresar en el camino a la liberación. La única forma de combatir este sufrimiento es el camino de la ciencia espiritual alochana, pratikraman y pratyakhan (alochana –confesar nuestros errores;... more...

This little book, written during the last months of peace, goes to press in the first weeks of the great war. Many will feel that in such a time of conflict and horror, when only the most ignorant, disloyal, or apathetic can hope for quietness of mind, a book which deals with that which is called the "contemplative" attitude to existence is wholly out of place. So obvious, indeed, is this point... more...

CHAPTER I A.D. 33-A.D. 38 Before entering upon an account of the Foundation and After-History of the Christian Church, it may be well to consider what that Church really is. Twofold nature of the Church. The Church may be regarded in a twofold aspect, as an external Corporation, and as a spiritual Body. 1. An external Kingdom. In the first light it is a Kingdom, in the world, though not of the world,... more...

HISTORY AND OF THE CHURCHES OF THE PRESBYTERIAL ORDER, AT The first Protestant Missionaries at Amoy arrived there in the year 1842. They were Dr. Abeel of the American Reformed Dutch Church, and Bishop Boone of the American Episcopal Church. After these there arrived Missionaries of the London Missionary Society, of the American Presbyterian Church, of the English Presbyterian Church, and others of the... more...

INTRODUCTION THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE OLD ISLAMIC WORLD The rise of Islam is perhaps the most amazing event in human history. Springing from a land and a people alike previously negligible, Islam spread within a century over half the earth, shattering great empires, overthrowing long-established religions, remoulding the souls of races, and building up a whole new world—the world of Islam. The... more...

SOME FRIGHTENED FRIENDS “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.”—1 John 4:18 “It seems to me that the church has lost its influence. Nobody pays much attention to it any more, except some of its own members; and they don’t seem to be interested in anything except their own activities. The time was when the word of the minister carried weight. Some may not have agreed, but... more...