Religion Books

Showing: 191-200 results of 451

CHAPTER I. YULE-TIDE OF THE ANCIENTS"There in the Temple, carved in wood,The image of great Odin stood,And other gods, with Thor supreme among them." As early as two thousand years before Christ Yule-tide was celebrated by the Aryans. They were sun-worshipers and believed the sun was born each morning, rode across the upper world, and sank into his grave at night. Day after day, as the... more...

INTRODUCTION  "The pleasant books, that silently amongOur household treasures take familiar places,Are to us, as if a living tongueSpake from the printed leaves, or pictured faces!" The aim of the Author in preparing this volume has been to put in a form, convenient for preservation and future reference, a brief historical sketch of the work and workers connected with the founding and... more...

THE LETTERS OF THE POPES AS SOURCES OF HISTORY. Cardinal Mai has left recorded his judgment that, "in matter of fact, the whole administration of the Church is learnt in the letters of the Popes". I draw from this judgment the inference that of all sources for the truths of history none are so precious, instructive, and authoritative as these authentic letters contemporaneous with the persons... more...

SECTION I. INTRODUCTORY. In the following pages I have examined the conclusions at which the author of a book entitled "Supernatural Religion" has assumed to have arrived. The method and contents of the work in question may be thus described. The work is entitled "Supernatural Religion, an Inquiry into the Reality of Divine Revelation." Its contents occupy two volumes of about 500 pages... more...

Het jy al ooit gewonder oor die einde? Is jy onseker oor hoeveel daarvan jy persoonlik gaan beleef? Miskien is die Openbaring vir jou totale duisternis... Moenie verder soek nie! In hierdie gids sal jy maklik-verstaanbare verklarings kry van elke beskrywing in Openbaring. Kreatiewe illustrasies maak dit maklik om jou verbeelding in te kleur. Vind uit saam ons hoe Jesus finaal oorwin! Kyk saam deur die... more...

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION MANKIND has ever been ready to discuss matters in the inverse ratio of their importance, so that the more closely a question is felt to touch the hearts of all of us, the more incumbent it is considered upon prudent people to profess that it does not exist, to frown it down, to tell it to hold its tongue, to maintain that it has long been finally settled, so that there is now no... more...

PREFACE For some years past I have been repeatedly urged to record my recollections of Plymouth Church and Henry Ward Beecher. One after another the original members of the church have passed away until now I am almost alone, so far as the early church connection is concerned, and I have been told that there is really no one left who could give the personal value to such a record. At first, as I... more...

INTRODUCTORY THOUGHTS If the official churches have had no other merit but that they have preserved Christ as the treasury of the world, yet they are justified thereby. Even if they have solely repeated through all the past centuries "Lord! Lord!" still they stand above the secular world. For they know at least who the Lord is, whereas the world does not know. Churches may disappear, but The... more...

CHAPTER I A.D. 33-A.D. 38 Before entering upon an account of the Foundation and After-History of the Christian Church, it may be well to consider what that Church really is. Twofold nature of the Church. The Church may be regarded in a twofold aspect, as an external Corporation, and as a spiritual Body. 1. An external Kingdom. In the first light it is a Kingdom, in the world, though not of the world,... more...

AUTHOR’S PREFACE. I did not write this little work with the thought of its being given to the public. It was prepared for the help of a few Christians who were desirous of loving God with the whole heart. But so many have requested copies of it, because of the benefit they have derived from its perusal, that I have been asked to publish it. I have left it in its natural simplicity. I do not condemn... more...