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General Books
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AMERICAN ANTIQUITY. The results of the past ten or fifteen years in historical investigation are exceedingly mortifying to any one who has been proud to call himself a student of History. We had thought, perhaps, that we knew something of the origin of human events and the gradual development from the past into the world of to-day. We had read Herodotus, and Gibbon, and Gillies, and done manful duty...
THE LITTLE TEACHER. I know of a little girl, who, like Mozart, shows a great talent for music, though she is not yet ten years old. Before she could walk, it seemed to be her delight to creep along the floor to the piano, draw herself up so as to touch the key-board, and then strike the different keys. Some of the sounds were pleasing to her, and from some she would start and draw back, as if she were...
William Curtis
Buchnera Viscosa. Clammy Buchnera. Class and Order. Didynamia Angiospermia. Generic Character. Cal. obsolete 5-dentatus. Corollæ limbus 5-fidus, æqualis: lobis cordatis. Caps. 2-locularis. Specific Character and Synonyms. BUCHNERA viscosa foliis lineari-lanceolatis laxe dentatis subglutinosis, floribus pedunculatis, caule fruticoso. L' Herit. Strip. nov. tom. 2. tab. 34. Ait. Kew. V. 2. p. 357....
William Curtis
[1] Iris Persica. Persian Iris. Class and Order. Triandria Monogynia. Generic Character. Corolla 6-partita: Petalis alternis, reflexis. Stigmata petaliformia. Specific Character and Synonyms. IRIS Persica corolla imberbi, petalis interioribus brevissimis patentissimis. Linn. Syst. Vegetab. p. 79. Sp. Pl. p. 59. IRIS bulbosa præcox minus odora Persica variegata. Moris. hist. 2. p. 357. XIPHIUM...
TREES IN ASSEMBLAGES. The subject of Trees cannot be exhausted by treating them as individuals or species, even with a full enumeration of their details. Some trees possess but little interest, except as they are grouped in assemblages of greater or less extent. A solitary Fir or Spruce, for example, when standing in an inclosure or by the roadside, is a stiff and disagreeable object; but a deep forest...
CHARLES LAMB'S UNCOLLECTED WRITINGS. SECOND PAPER. Readers of Lamb's "Life and Letters" remember that before "Mr. H." was written, before Kemble had rejected "John Woodvil," Godwin's tragedy of "Antonio" had been produced at Drury-Lane Theatre, and that Elia was present at the performance thereof. But perhaps they do not know (at least, not many of them)...
George Bell
NOTES ON NEWSPAPERS: "THE TIMES," DAILY PRESS, ETC. A newspaper, rightly conducted, is a potent power in promoting the well-being of universal man. It is also a highly moral power—for it quickens mind everywhere, and puts in force those principles which tend to lessen human woe, and to exalt and dignify our common humanity. The daily press, for the most part, aims to correct error—whether...
William Curtis
Colutea Frutescens. Scarlet Bladder Senna. Class and Order. Diadelphia Decandria. Generic Character. Cal. 5-fidus. Legumen inflatum, basi superiore dehiscens. Specific Character and Synonyms. COLUTEA frutescens fruticosa, foliolis ovato-oblongis. Linn. Syst. Vegetab. ed. 14. Murr, p. 668. Ait. Hort. Kew. V. 3. p. 56. Mill. Icon. 99. COLUTEA æthiopica, flore purpureo. Breyn. Cent. 70. t. 29. N181.Of...
LINCOLN'S ELECTION TO THE TENTH ASSEMBLY.—ADMISSION TO THE BAR.— REMOVAL TO SPRINGFIELD. HE first twenty-six years of Abraham Lincoln's life have been traced in the preceding chapters. We have seen him struggling to escape from the lot of a common farm laborer, to which he seemed to be born; becoming a flatboatman, a grocery clerk, a store-keeper, a postmaster, and finally a surveyor. We...
George Bell
ENGLISH BOOKS OF EMBLEMS. It is a remarkable circumstance that whilst the emblems of Alciatus Vent through almost innumerable editions, and were translated into most of the continental languages, no version of these Emblems should ever have been printed in this country, although we believe that MS. translations of them are in existence. It is remarkable also that more than half century should have...