General Books

Showing: 341-350 results of 661

by: Various
A NIGHT IN THE WATER. That was a pleasant life on picquet, in the delicious early summer of the South, and among the endless flowery forests of that blossoming isle. In the retrospect, I seem to see myself adrift upon a horse's back amid a sea of roses. The various outposts were within a five-mile radius, and it was one long, delightful gallop, day and night. I have a faint impression that the... more...

History repeats itself, but on new planes. Often, a symbol appears in one age, and the spirit of which it is the expression is revealed in another. Each answers the need of its own time. From the creative standpoint, which is out of time, spirit and symbol are one; but to us, who see things successively, they seem as prior and posterior. If this be so, it should be possible for a thoughtful and... more...

by: Various
HAPPIEST DAYS. Long ago, when you were a little boy or a little girl,—perhaps not so very long ago, either,—were you never interrupted in your play by being called in to have your face washed, your hair combed, and your soiled apron exchanged for a clean one, preparatory to an introduction to Mrs. Smith, or Dr. Jones, or Aunt Judkins, your mother's early friend? And after being ushered in to... more...

ONE SATURDAY BY SARAH WINTER KELLOGG. It was an autumn day in the Indian summer time,—that one Saturday. The Grammar Room class of Budville were going nutting; that is, eight of them were going,—"our set," as they styled themselves. Besides the eight of "our set," Bob Trotter was going along as driver, to take care of the horses and spring wagon on arrival at the woods, while the... more...

MEMBERS OF THE NORTHERN NUT GROWERS' ASSOCIATIONAlabamaBaker, Samuel C., CentervilleArkansas*Drake, Prof. N. F., University of Arkansas, FayettevilleCaliforniaDawson, L. H., LlanoKelley, M. C., San DimasTucker, T. C., Manager California Almond Growers Exchange, 311California St., San FranciscoCanadaCorsan, G. H., University of Toronto, Athletic Association, TorontoSager, Dr. D. S.,... more...

OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION PresidentJames S. McGlennon Rochester, New YorkVice-PresidentJ. F. Jones Lancaster, PennsylvaniaTreasurerWillard G. Bixby Baldwin, Nassau Co., New YorkAuditing—C. P. Close, C. A. ReedExecutive—J. Russell SMITH, W. S. Linton and the OfficersFinance—T. P. Littlepage, Willard G. Bixby, W. C. DemingHybrids—R. T. Morris, C. P. Close, W. G. Bixby, Howard... more...

by: Various
ENGLISH AND AMERICAN REPRINTS OF OLD BOOKS Most people are aware of the great demand there is for English literature, and indeed for all literature in the United States: for some years the anxiety of persons in that part of the world to obtain copies of our early printed books, prose, poetry, and plays, has been well known to such as collect and sell them on this side of the water. Where American... more...

by: Various
THREE BOROUGHS Proposed to be wholly disfranchised by the REFORM BILL.1. DUNWICH. 2. OLD SARUM. 3. BRAMBER. THREE BOROUGHS: 1. DUNWICH, SUFFOLK. 2. OLD SARUM, WILTS. 3. BRAMBER, SUSSEX. Proposed to be wholly disfranchised by "the Reform Bill." We feel ourselves on ticklish—debateable ground; yet we only wish to illustrate the topographical history of the above places; their parliamentary... more...

by: Various
OUR CHRISTMAS PLAY. Our Emily wrote a play for our Christmas entertainment. Emily, Ruth, Mary, and Uncle Peter, all took part in it. The curtain fell amid very great applause from grandma, grandpa, father, and Uncle Charles, Brothers Robert and John, Jane, the housemaid, Aunt Alice, and some six of our cousins. So you see we had a good audience. As it is the only play we have ever seen acted, we may be... more...

by: Various
PERIPLUS OF HANNO THE CARTHAGINIAN. I am not sufficiently Quixotic to attempt a defence of the Carthaginians on the western coast of Africa, or any where else, but I submit that the accusation brought against them by Mr. S. Bannister, formerly Attorney-General of New South Wales, is not sustained by the only record we possess of Hanno's colonising expedition. That gentleman, in his learned Records... more...