General Books

Showing: 321-330 results of 661

by: Various
RHODA. Uncle Bradburn took down a volume of the new Cyclopædia, and placed it on the stand beside him. He did not, however, open it immediately, but sat absorbed in thought. At length he spoke:—"Don't you think a young girl in the kitchen, to help Dorothy, would save a good many steps?" "I don't know," replied Aunt Janet, slowly. "Dorothy has a great deal to do already.... more...

by: Various
Interior of the Colosseum. References to the Engraving. A. Column or Tower in the centre of the building, for supporting the Ascending Room, &c. B. Entrance to the Ascending-Room. C. Saloon for the reception of works of art. D. Passage lending to the Saloon, Galleries, and Ascending-Room. E. F. Two separate Spiral Flights of Steps, leading to the Galleries, &c. G. H. I. Galleries from which the... more...

by: Various
WINGFIELD MANOR-HOUSE. This interesting structure is referred to by a clever writer as one of the richest specimens extant of the highly-ornamented embattled mansions of the time of Henry VII. and VIII., the period of transition from the castle to the palace, and undoubtedly the best aera of English architecture. This judgment will be found confirmed in the writings of distinguished antiquarians; and... more...

BY-LAWS Article I Committees—The Association shall appoint standing committees as follows: On membership, on finance, on programme, on press and publication, on exhibits, on varieties and contests, on survey, and an auditing committee. The committee on membership may make recommendations to the Association as to the discipline or expulsion of any member. Article II Fees—Annual members shall pay two... more...

The Oriental View of Anthropology. In the following essay, , an enlightened author of the Theosophical and Occult school, presents the mystic or Oriental view of man, in an interesting manner, deducing therefrom a philosophy of the healing art. My readers will no doubt be interested in his exposition, and, as the ancient doctrine differs materially from the results of experimental investigation, I take... more...

by: Various
MASTER BYLES GRIDLEY CONSULTS WITH JACOB PENHALLOW, ESQUIRE. Lawyer Penhallow was seated in his study, his day's work over, his feet in slippers, after the comfortable but inelegant fashion which Sir Walter Scott reprobates, amusing himself with a volume of old Reports. He was a knowing man enough, a keen country lawyer, but honest, and therefore less ready to suspect the honesty of others. He had... more...

by: Various
OUR PROGRESS Although very unwilling to encroach upon the enlarged space which we have this week afforded to our numerous and increasing contributors, we may be permitted to refer to the fact of our having felt it due to them to find such additional space by giving an extra half-sheet, as a proof at once of the growing interest in our Journal, and of its extended utility. We trust too that the step... more...

by: Various
THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. An important discussion has arisen since the commencement of the war, bearing upon the interests of the American Press. The Government has seen fit, at various times, through its authorities, civil and military, to suppress the circulation and even the publication of journals which, in its judgment, gave aid and comfort to the enemy, either by disloyal publications in... more...

The first session convened at 9:30 A. M., September 10, at the Kellogg Hotel with President Frey in the chair. The President: This is the twenty-fifth annual convention of the Northern Nut Growers' Association, our silver anniversary. Fifteen years ago the convention was held in this city. We are glad to be back again and happy to have with us Mr. W. K. Kellogg who has consented to extend a... more...

by: Various
What Shall We Do With It? The first blood that was shed in our Revolutionary struggle, was in Boston, in March, 1770. The next at Lexington, in June, 1775. The interval was filled with acts of coercion and oppression on the one side and with complaints and remonstrances on the other. But the thought of Independence was entertained by very few of our people, even for some time after the affair at... more...