Periodicals Books

Showing: 1431-1440 results of 1453

by: Various
STEERING FOR HOME. LOW, thou bitter northern gale;Heave, thou rolling, foaming sea;Bend the mast and fill the sail,Let the gallant ship go free!Steady, lad! Be firm and steady!On the compass fix your eye;Ever watchful, ever ready,Let the rain and spray go by!We're steering for home. Let the waves with angry thudShake the ship from stem to stern;We can brave the flying scud,It may go, it may... more...

by: Various
THE STORY OF JOSIAH HENSON No one ever uttered a more forceful truth than Frederika Bremer when she said in speaking to Americans: "The fate of the Negro is the romance of your history." The sketches of heroes showing the life of those once exploited by Christian men must ever be interesting to those who would know the origin and the development of a civilization distinctly American. In no case... more...

by: Various
"Jim," said Charley, "has that dog of yours gone crazy?" "Old Nap? No. Why? What's the matter with him?" "Just look at the way he's diving in and out among the trees. He'll run full split right against one first thing he knows." "No, he won't. He's after rabbits. We're 'most to the swamp now, and Nap knows what we've come for... more...

by: Various
MEMOIR OF His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, LORD HIGH ADMIRAL OF ENGLAND. Ye sacred arks of Liberty! that float Where Tamar's waters spread their bosom wide, That seem, with towering stern and rampart stride, Like antique castles girt with shining moat: Should War the signal give with brazen throat, No more recumbent here in idle pride, Your rapid prows would cleave the foaming tide, And to... more...

by: Various
POETRY ON AN IMPROVED PRINCIPLE. Let me earnestly implore you, good Mr. PUNCH, to give publicity to a new invention in the art of poetry, which I desire only to claim the merit of having discovered. I am perfectly willing to permit others to improve upon it, and to bring it to that perfection of which I am delightedly aware, it is susceptible. It is sometimes lamented that the taste for poetry is on... more...

MRS. GRUNDY. By Viroqua Daniels.Her will is law. She holds despotic sway.Her wont has been to show the narrow wayWherein must tread the world, the bright, the brave,From infancy to dotard's gloomy grave."Obey! Obey!" with sternness she commandsThe high, the low, in great or little lands.She folds us all within her ample gown.A forward act is met with angry frown.The lisping babes are... more...

No. X.—THE BEHRING-SEA ARBITRATION. (Scene and Persons as usual. The Conversation has already begun.) First Well-informed Man (concluding a tirade). —— so what I want to know is this: are we or are we not to submit to the Yankees? It's all very well talking about Chicago Exhibitions and all that, but if they're going to capture our ships and prevent us killing seals, why, the sooner we... more...

January 26, 1916. Some idea of the financial straits in which English people find themselves may be gathered from the statement that the first forced strawberries of the season fetched no more than ten shillings a pound. The Germans proudly point out that their forced loans fetched more than that. A kindly M.P. has suggested that our German naval prisoners should be employed in making the projected the... more...

At intervals of a few years the torpor of London Society is stirred by the carefully disseminated intelligence that a new planet has begun to twinkle in the firmament of fashion, and the telescopes of all those who are in search of novelty are immediately directed to the spot. Partially dropping metaphor, it may be stated that a hitherto unknown lady emerges, like the planet, from a cloud under which,... more...

No. III.—REALISATION. Scene—Theatre Royal, Blankbury, on the first night of the performance of the well-known Comedy of "Heads or Tails?" by the "Thespian Perambulators." Time, 7:50 P.M. A "brilliant and fashionable assemblage" is gradually filling the house. In the Stalls are many distinguished Amateurs of both Sexes, including Lady Surbiton, who has brought her husband and... more...