Periodicals Books

Showing: 1281-1290 results of 1453

England is preparing to send an expedition into the Soudan to reconquer the province of Dongola, which was lost during the revolt of the Mahdi in 1881-85. Many of you have probably heard all about the Soudan war, in which the brave General Gordon lost his life. But that you may understand the matter fully, it will perhaps be as well to go over it again. The Soudan is a vast tract of land in Africa, the... more...

...PREMIUMS... TO ANY ONE SENDING US 4 NEW SUBSCRIBERS A Pocket Kodak Measures 2-1/4 x 2-7/8 x 3-7/8 inches, makes a picture 1-1/2 x 2 inches, and weighs only 5 ounces. Delivered ready for 12 exposures without reloading. The Lens is of the fixed focus type, and of sufficient length of focus (2-1/2 inches) to avoid distortion. Has improved rotary shutter and set of three stops for lens. The slides for... more...

The peace negotiations have not made very much progress during the past week. Turkey has announced to the Powers that she holds that Thessaly belongs to her by right of conquest, and she is not willing to give it up. But the Powers are determined to allow only a sum of money as a war indemnity, and a rearrangement of the frontier whereby Turkey will gain certain strategic points. The Sultan has again... more...

It is reported from Thessaly that the Turks are ruining the country. The correspondent who sent the news, having managed to escape the notice of the Turkish officials, claims to have made a personal examination of the state of affairs in the city of Larissa. He found that all the houses, except those inhabited by Mohammedans, had been stripped of their contents, and he was informed on the best... more...

England has been spending a very busy week celebrating the Queen's Jubilee. On such occasions, when the attention of the world is centred upon a country, it seems to be the custom to publish startling rumors, to keep up the excitement. The Jubilee has been no exception to this rule. The wildest reports have been circulated. One account declared that the Queen was totally blind, and would not be... more...

The troubles between Turkey and Greece do not show any signs of reaching a peaceful settlement. In fact, from the news this week, the Powers seem to be growing angrier as the days go by. England has boldly declared that she will never allow Thessaly to be placed under Turkish rule again. It is said that the British Ambassador, Sir Philip Currie, told this to Tewfik Pasha, the Turkish Minister of... more...

The affairs of Cuba are still occupying a very important place in the eyes of the world. The dissatisfaction in Spain over the Cuban policy of the Government has led to serious political troubles in Madrid. In every Congress or Parliament there are always two or more parties opposed to each other, and on this opposition the welfare of the country to a great extent depends. Were all the members to... more...

by: Various
There is a rumor that Spain will appeal to the Powers to help her in her Cuban war. It is said that she cannot conquer the Cubans without some aid, and, as she can look for none from the United States, she will appeal to the Powers. Spain, therefore, will try to convince Europe that she ought to receive the same kind of help that was given to Turkey, and that the Cuban Question is of the same nature as... more...

by: Various
The great event of the week has been the action of the Senate in passing the Morgan Bill, recognizing the belligerency of Cuba. Belligerency, as you doubtless remember, means being engaged in legitimate warfare. The resolution was passed by a vote of 41 to 14. The Morgan Bill, which was a joint resolution of both houses, was also brought up in the House of Representatives, but nothing was done with it.... more...

by: Various
The settlement of the terms of peace between Turkey and Greece promises to be a very long and tedious matter. It has been announced that Turkey offers to conclude peace, provided Greece pays her $15,000,000 to cover her war expenses, gives her certain strategic points in Thessaly, and turns over to her the Greek fleet until the war expenses are paid. The Sultan has begun the negotiations by asking for... more...