Periodicals Books

Showing: 1261-1270 results of 1453

Spain and the Cuban situation continue to form the great centres of interest in this week's news. With the continuation of active preparations on the part of the United States and Spain, the crisis seems to be rapidly approaching. It is to be hoped that each will succeed in making itself so strong that war may be averted because of its probable magnitude. The presence of two strong fleets, opposed... more...

The heavens are affording us an interesting study just now. Our kind old friend, the sun, it is who is giving us this benefit. One of the largest sun-spots which has ever been observed is now to be seen. So large is this spot that it is not necessary to look through a telescope to see it. By using a smoked glass, to dim the intense light of the sun, any one can look at the spot for himself. Nowadays,... more...

The situation in Cuba remains much the same. The noteworthy event of the past week has been a sad and unfortunate shipwreck which occurred on October 16th. On that day a Spanish steamer was wrecked off the coast of Pinar del Rio, while making the trip from Havana to Bahia Honda. The Triton, as the steamer was called, was carrying soldiers' ammunition, money, and mules to be used against the Cubans... more...

When we take up our history books and read the accounts of the great deeds that have been done, we are very apt to wonder how the people felt in those times, and if it was not much more exciting to live history than it is to learn it. We have an opportunity of judging for ourselves how it feels, for we are now living through a very important chapter of history. Cuba, Turkey, Haiti, and Hawaii are all... more...

The recent despatches from India tell us that the soldiers who are fighting on the frontier have performed another gallant deed. The heroes, this time, belonged to the Northamptonshire regiment. It was necessary for the British to find out if the enemy was encamped anywhere in the neighborhood, so a portion of the troops left the British camp and marched to the summit of a mountain called Saran Sar.... more...

Germany is furnishing us with some interesting news this week. She has successfully accomplished something which, to simple folks who are not diplomatists, seems like a plain, every-day case of robbery. Here is the story of it, and you can judge for yourselves. Some German missionaries have been killed in China, and Germany has seized a Chinese port in revenge. Missionaries are, as you know, holy and... more...

The troubles in Austria have not been brought to a close by the downfall of Count Badeni and the appointment of Baron von Gautsch. Count Badeni was, as you will remember, particularly obnoxious to the German element in Austria, and many people thought that his dismissal would restore harmony. Instead, it has given rise to some very serious rioting in Bohemia. We explained to you in a former number that... more...

This has been an exciting week for Cuban matters. We told you that we might expect to hear more from Mr. Taylor's article on Cuba in The North American Review. We were quite right in our supposition. The Madrid papers took the matter up indignantly, and it has been the main point of interest during the last few days. If you remember, we told you that Mr. Taylor said, in his article, that Spain did... more...

The mayor of the city of Greater New York is Judge Robert A. Van Wyck. New York city has just been passing through the most exciting election that has fallen to her lot since she became a city. This being the first election since the passing of the charter which made New York the second largest city in the world, each political party has been trying to get a man in for mayor who represented its own... more...

The British soldiers are doing some very fine work on the Indian frontier. During the past week an engagement has taken place in which some of the hardest fighting of the war occurred. According to the despatches, the Afridis occupied some rising ground which was known by the name of the Dargai Ridge. It was necessary for the British troops in their advance to pass across this ridge, and so the Afridis... more...